Document Type : Research Paper


Aluminum production industry, regarding the ever- increasing need to this metal in different industries of the country, has been considered by those in charge of economics in recent years, and has devoted a special stand in economics and industry to itself. High consumption of electrical energy in aluminum production has made its producer looking for developing advanced technologies, low energy consumption, and establishing aluminum factories or carrying them to regions having cheap energy. Referring to the aluminum importance as a strategic metal in renovation of the economic and industrial bases of the country, the experts are trying to reach to a logical sum-up for this industry development in Iran and the world, after analyzing multilaterally the past and present condition of the aluminum industry and its main raw materials (i.e. aluminum and boxite). In this writing, the condition of production, consumption and usage of aluminum in the regions and the world level are studied in brief, and the regional and world stand of Iran are estimated from the point of production, consumption and finished price. Having analysed the condition of the inside and outside of the industry environment, and considering the strong and weak points, and also the opportunities and the treats, the industry perspective and mission in the horizon of 1404 are offered then. And finally, some strategic objectives and ten- year development strategies till the end of the five- year development plan are suggested too.


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