Document Type : Research Paper


1 Universiti of guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 university of guilan, rasht, iran


Nowadays, for adapting to changing conditions in the market and dealing with competitors, companies are seeking to gain competitive advantages in order to survive in turbulent environment and get better performance. In fact, economic prosperity of the countries, industries, and companies are dependent on utilizing the information technology appropriately. Information technology capability can be considered as a competitive advantage for the firm and can pave the way for dealing with unpredicted conditions and rapid environment changes. The research method was descriptive- survey and data were collected through questionnaires. In order to evaluate the model fitness and test research hypotheses, 120 firms were studied. Data analysis was carried out by structural equation modeling based on partial least squares (PLS). Finally, all of the research hypotheses were confirmed, and the results showed that information technology capability has positive and significant impact on the firm performance through the two variables of mediator role of business process management and supply chain integration capabilities.


Main Subjects

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